Keywords research is one of the most important part of seo. Low competition keywords meaning you will have the ability to rank your website without any Additional backlinks and even if you need.
You will need only a few of them. There are many tools and there are many ways to know the right Keyword. You can use Google adwords planner and you can use software like long tail pro.
Long tail keywords means a keyword with many words usually 4-7. The advantage of this type of keywords is the easy competition but in most times it will not Have much traffic or high monthly searches.
Many times you actually don't need to do keyword research. It depends on what you really want to do. are you just want to blogging ?! Or you want to rank for a long tail keyword which is 3-7 words.
In the first case you don't need to do keyword research but if you want to rank a money site in long tail keywords you will need to do keyword research. But even if you blogging you may need to do keyword research for your posts.
So here is the best keyword research tools to use for :
1. google adwords
1.good accuracy since it's owned by Google! to use!
1. Google Adwrod Comeptition is about the advertising competition and not the seo competition. This means that if you want to use adwords ads you will have to use this Competiton value to know if there are many advertisers working on this specific keyword.
2. A lot of long tail keywords is not listed in google adwords keyword research tool
Long tail pro software
click here to visit it's official site
click here to read long tail pro review
1. Many long tail keywords with low competition
2. Easy to use
3. Keyword Competitiveness Feature
4. seo competition feature cons: 1. It's paid service! Other helpful keyword search tools:
click here to visit it's official site
click here to read long tail pro review

4. seo competition feature cons: 1. It's paid service! Other helpful keyword search tools: