
Total War Attila Review

This is my sixth year and I play with the Visigoths, I realized that Total War: Attila Light has turned me from one person to a hungry wolf in the wild. This feeling to get on the land I call home changes the rules of the game in the Total War series, and makes a Attila campaign looks as though it is much larger than just the expansion of maximizing its predecessor. In fact, Attila is the indie game,  The biggest flaws come from missed opportunities to a large extent in the extended empire tremendously.

harsh winter increasingly comes from the north and which will make at the end of 32-day large parts of the map almost never become viable. the Visigoths (It is one of 53 among the 10 playable factions ) it has also entered into this insane barbaric war, and contributes to the bombing of the weak Romanian Empire at the same time fighting other tribes around the fertile land that fade steadily. In while your empire expands outward in most games. instead Total War Attila force you to keep yourself a foothold in the land of safety, which is shrinking slowly.

The lack of a dependent territory for you is to defend it with all your strength, and exposure to get attacked by troops, all of this made me change my way of thinking to wage the war, and creating terrible conditions that forced me switching to someone remorseless that seeks to escape with his life. When a snowstorm surrounded the two groups in the Alps, killing one-third of Men, I learned that I need to search for food and get shelter, immediately. No longer matter how I have to bloodshed or which Owen the blood for a moment, I felt as if I understand the perspective of those ancient people, who are notorious for looting and raids. I've had it either turn out to be a monster or die, and here the highest ethics and virtues that have drawer-ed in the wind. This is a new feeling for the type of games when the perennial question "Who should I conquer next?". with this map itself has the initiative, and I learned that I could succeed or fail based on my ability to respond.

my efforts management was easier of Rome 2, because it has been improving the campaign interface in Rome 2 to fits everyone. Instead of trying to cram things in the tape bottom of the screen, Creative Assembly company realized that it is not okay to sometimes hide the map, and giving us the information boards in larger size, such as easy to understand family tree chart. when a Romanian spy (who opposed me from burning entire Northern Italy) and the assassination of Reith Theodoric, I was in fact of a clear idea of who was Theodoric. Otherwise cases you probably disregarded little bit about what happened. But for the young man who was supposed to carry my heritage.

But on the other hand, domestic and diplomatic policy is still very vague. The leadership of your faction ranging from the Insignificant (insoluble importance) to the Absolute, both are danger and puts you at high risk of a civil war. the system does its job in making you see the inner turmoil always looming on the horizon, but that keeps the trying to move away from a big task is easy. When the influence of my family increased significantly this led to the threat of stability, it was easy to grant offices or important orders to members of the other sub-factions and restore the balance, but when my prince of war died, it was hard to get rid of that bastard who wanted to overthrow the top “Bl” (High King) young newly-crowned, making the idea of sending it to a battle you cannot win looks as a good idea rather than looks awesome. This method seems exploitative.

diplomatic dealings were frustrating.  it is not logical to never repeatedly refusing to do swap trade which could lead to both of us benefits and do not cost them anything. The worst part of this is that negotiate do not give you any screen indication. This is a long-term problem in the Total War series. Maybe I would let it pass in 2006, but with all new games this problem becomes a weak point with less excuse.

Of course not the real-time battles are the main point and focus of Total War,  and often come back to regroup again after the fight rather than flee from the land of battle after one setback. A new kind of units that invade have the ability to pick up the gates and towers and control points faster. It also sets fire to the structures, which drives defenders to get out of their lines to reduce the growing damage in their buildings. This adds an extra layer to choose the combination army roaming hordes that set by Attila in the spotlight.

But outside this circle of light, there are some negatives exciting frustrating. Most notably are factions in the Celtic Britain non-playable units that use the Nordic (North) or Romanian units, which lacks disappointingly to their models or a list of their own characters. I bet all my money that will correct this issue through downloadable contents, but it was supposed to be providing this group, which is one of the largest major groups in that culture.

On the positive side, I have never had any problems or malfunctions caused the pauses of the game  within the campaigns in full years. Although I kept come across with artificial intelligence and the things that do not make sense, such as when it putted it's ladders in front of my walls for ten minutes in search of an appropriate point.


Attila is an improvement of the game Rome 2.  starting of the campaign map, the fastest pace, and ending to each individual skirmishes on the ground that filled with ashes, we find it is more thoughtful experience. you have a greater number of high-impact decisions that can be taken, but as you have more possibilities to help. Political systems are still at least closer to the user in the vast space strategy games, there are some surprising omissions in the way of providing some non-playable factions, but the overall strengths in Attila put it among the best invasions within the Total War series.


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