You can lose about 1.4 kg or more of weight per week in a safe manner at home, by following a healthy diet, exercise and plenty of exercise.
How to lose weight fast
If you could burn 500 calories more than you consume of calories a day for a week, Then you will lose about 0.5 - 1 kg of your weight.
If you want to lose weight fast, you need to eat less food, and do more exercises.
For example, if you are taking as ranging between 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and do exercises for an hour a day, you can lose about 4.1 to 3.2 kg during the first week, or more. If the youe weight is more than 113 kilometers, it is absolutely essential not to underestimate the calories more than that because of of the seriousness of this matter on your health.
the reduction of salts and carbohydrates it may also mean losing more weight at first glance - but most of that reduced weight is fluid, not fat.
Diets to lose weight fast
you are advised to abide by diet that works to reduce the intake of carbohydrates and added sugars, and saturated animal fats that found in meat and dairy products. But for the rapid weight loss of focus on fruit, vegetables, egg whites, chicken breast without skin, fish, and dairy products, fat-free, lean meat and fat.
The following additional guidance:
Ate fruit to help you a feeling of fullness.
Drink as much as a multitude of water.
Avoid tempting foods.
Work to stay busy, so you can avoid eating to overcome the feeling bored.
Only ate food from the dish, while sitting on the table.
do not forget to eat any of your meals.
using a book of daily special food will help you to focus on your diet objective.

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